Fruit and Nut Slice (No Bake)

roll 2

All right, all right, I know. My photos are getting worse. I realise that Fruit and Nut Slice looks like a dog’s breakfast in this photo, but take it from me, photos lie. Fruit and Nut Slice, just like everything from the Magnificently Simple Marvellous Slice Recipes book is delicious. Trust me on this.

1/2 Cup brown sugar

3 tablespoons cocoa

250gm Marie biscuits, crushed

1 Cup chopped dried fruit (I used raisins, but you can use whatever you like. Sultanas would probably be nice).

1/4 Cup crushed nuts (I left these out. I made this slice to take to Mum and Dad’s, and Mum won’t eat nuts).

125 gm Copha (I used butter. Remember what I’ve told you about Copha? It is bad for you and leaves your tongue feeling waxy. Use butter instead).

1/2 Cup coconut

3 Tblspns jam

1 Tblspn milk and sherry (I only had milk. I don’t know anyone who has sherry in the pantry anymore, except maybe Mum. The slice tasted just fine).

Mix the sugar, cocoa, fruit and nuts together. Melt the butter in a saucepan and mix in the jam, milk and sherry. Mix the butter mixture into the dry ingredients using your hands. Lick them clean, then go and wash them properly.

Sprinkle the coconut over some baking paper and roll the mixture into a log.


Refrigerate the mixture until firm, then slice it up. I didn’t do a great job of rolling the mixture into a log, which is why these photos show a lumpy sort of mess. Once I learn the trick of making a neat log, I’ll let you know how too.

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1 Comment

  1. “Lick them clean…” HahahahaHA!!!


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