Birds at local Wetlands

One of the wetlands near my home in Melbourne’s west is dryer than usual at present, despite the large amount of rain we’ve had this summer as a result of the La Nina weather pattern. The wetlands were created when the housing estate I live in was developed and my understanding is that new developers in Melbourne are obligated to dedicate a certain amount of area for public use including open space, wetlands and parks.

I thin the bird at the front right of the photo above and in the following two photos is a cormorant of some type, although am not certain.

Perhaps because of the dryness there seem to be more birds there at present, although there are always seagulls (below).

The Swamphens (below) were so tame they walked up to me.

Australian Ibis (below) are also known as ‘Bin Chickens.’

Pacific Black Ducks (below).

I also saw three geese fly over, but wasn’t quick enough to get a photo. I’ve also seen pelicans, Rainbow Lorikeets and black swans at the wetlands, although there were none there this morning.