Orange Shortbread


This recipe for Orange Shortbread came from the side of a packet of sugar. It was nice, but slightly too crumbly because I think I had the oven on too hot a temperature.

I might be bragging here, but the pattern I made on the dough with the fork is the best I’ve ever managed. It looks just like a snowflake… (yes, we in Australia cling to our British and European backgrounds when it comes to Christmas traditions – the ones we like, anyway. I for one think that summer and shortbread go very well together).

I’ll make normal Shortbread next week, since we have already eaten all of the Orange Shortbread.

4 tablespoons sugar

125gm butter (I used slightly more)

rind of two oranges -finely grated

1 1/2 Cups plain flour

Cream the butter and sugar, then beat in the orange rind. Gradually add the flour.

Roll into a ball and split into two. Roll both out to a one centimetre thick circle. I did this on baking paper, to prevent having to try to move the rolled-out dough.

Cut the round into eight (imagine you are cutting up a pizza) then press around the edges using the end of a teaspoon, then go mad with the fork to decorate your own snowflake shortbread.

Bake for 15 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius. Let the shortbread cool on the tray before moving it.