Satay Chicken


He Who Eats All of Our Leftovers loves Satay Chicken. He says, “I love chicken,” in exactly the same tone he used to use when he said romantic things to me.

This recipe for Satay Chicken is very quick and easy to make and best of all, I usually have the required ingredients in the pantry without having to make a special trip to the supermarket to cook this.

1 Tablespoon red curry paste (use more or less to suit your taste)

500gm thinly sliced chicken breast

2 Tablespoons crunchy peanut butter

3/4 Cup cream

Heat the curry paste in a frypan (watch out, it gets very splattery), then add the chicken and cook until it is sealed. Add the peanut butter and cream, then simmer for about five minutes.

Serve with rice.


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